On Friday 14th March 2025, the Working Group Separation Science will organize the spring meeting 2025. Lecturers from universities, research organizations and industry will highlight their research on novel techniques and applications in CE, GC and HPLC with a special focus on Sustainability in Chemistry.
This one-day meeting will take place at Hanzehogeschool (Groningen, The Netherlands) and will be free of charge.
We cordially invite Students from Universities of Applied Science (UAS)to showcase your research to the analytical community. A limited number of A0 size poster boards are available for this event. Each UAS can contribute with a maximum of 5 students selected by their teachers. Kindly include your poster title when registering for the meeting. For any additional information on the concept, feel free to contact us. Looking forward to your participation!
Sponsor of the evenment:
WGS website: https://sac.kncv.nl/wgs
We are looking forward to a successful event and hope to meet you all in Breda on March 7, 2024.
The WGS board