Since 1998 a growing group of laboratory managers in the Netherlands meets three times a year to exchange knowledge and experiences. These meetings are organized by the Knowledge Platform Laboratory Managers, an initiative from CheckMark and are held at a different host locations. Since 2005, this platform is a subgroup of the Section Analytical Chemistry (SAC) of the KNCV (Royal Netherlands Chemistry Society).
Although this platform is housed as a workgoup of the SAC, it is open to laboratory managers from various branches and disciplines within life sciences, pharmaceuticals and chemistry. The platform now includes over 75 members and is facilitated by CheckMark Labrecruitment (contact within CheckMark; Charlotte la Lau and Cora Bos).
The Knowledge Platform Laboratory Managers organizes three informative network meetings per year, where one of the members acts as a host organization. The host is always active in the organization of the platform and is unrelated to the theme and speakers. Many members are active within the platform; either by hosting the meeting, organizing a tour of the lab or acting as a guest speaker. It is a unique concept that brings together laboratory managers from many different backgrounds creating an atmosphere that stimulates discussions and where there is an active exchange between the various members regarding current themes in the laboratory world.
For more information about becoming a member of the platform or if you would like to attend the next meeting, please contact Charlotte la Lau or Cora Bos or 0182-590210. Please include your company information and contact details. The first platform is free of charge.
Important: the platform is only available to laboratory managers/directors and laboratory supervisors. Commercial organizations interested in client acquisition will not be attending these meetings because the meetings are non-commercial.