The Knowledge Platform Lab Managers (KPLM) came into existence in 1998 and has been affiliated with the Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV) as a subgroup of the Section Analytical Chemistry (SAC) since 2005. It is a unique concept that brings together laboratory managers from many different backgrounds creating an atmosphere that stimulates discussions and where there is an active exchange between the various members regarding current themes in the laboratory world. Although this platform is housed as a workgroup of the SAC, it is open to laboratory managers from various branches and disciplines within life sciences, pharmaceuticals and chemistry. The platform now includes over 70 members and is facilitated by CheckMark.
The KPLM offers you the opportunity to get in touch with colleagues and exchange experiences on management themes and trends in the (lab) sector. During our gatherings, you will gain practical insights from others, share knowledge and build a valuable network in food, chemistry and life sciences. We meet twice a year, at a host location of one of our members. During these meetings, you will be given a tour of a laboratory while enjoying a networking drink to meet other lab managers and share knowledge in an informal atmosphere.
So, are you a laboratory manager, supervisor or team leader and would you like to be part of this network or would you like to be introduced to the KPLM? No problem! After the event, you decide whether or not to apply for membership. Discover the value of being part of a network of like-minded professionals who strive for continuous improvement and innovation in their fields. For questions about the KPLM you can contact Cora Bos. please e-mail: or call us 088 – 0021100.
Important: the platform is only available to laboratory managers/directors and laboratory supervisors. Commercial organizations interested in client acquisition will not be attending these meetings because the meetings are non-commercial.