Registration annual NMRDG 2024
Dutch NMR DG meeting 2024, Friday Nov 8, University of Twente, Enschede
Dear NMR colleagues,
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 59th scientific meeting of the Dutch NMR Discussion Group, to be held at the University of Twente in Enschede (host: Ricardo Martinho, University of Twente) on Friday November 8, 2024.
Location: TechMed Centre, University of Twente, Enschede
Link with map and route description: routing-techmed-centre
Registration via this form, deadline is October 15.
We are grateful to our sponsors for their financial contribution. Hence there will be no registration fees for the symposium, but registration is required. Please unsubscribe or inform us, when you registered but cannot participate anymore.
Poster session
Please send us full details on the poster to be presented (Title, Authors, Name of the presenter and Affiliation), also not later than October 25 to The NMR-DG will award the best poster presentation with a prize.
Early career award
The best lecture given by an early career researcher will be awarded with a prize.
Please make people at your institute also aware of this NMR-DG meeting. Persons interested in the symposium who are not members of the NMR-DG are welcome to attend, free of charge, provided they register for attending the symposium.
On behalf of the organizers,
Organizing Committee: Ricardo Martinho (University of Twente), Evan Wenbo Zhao (Radboud University), Terenzi Camilla (Wageningen University), Patrick van der Wel (University of Groningen), Rolf Boelens (Utrecht University), John van Duynhoven (Unilever), Camilla Terenzi (Wageningen University)